Recycling FAQs
Why does the driver leave some materials in the recycling container?
Unfortunately, not everything is recyclable. Please see the entire list of What may I recycle? including a list of what is not currently recyclable.
My recycling container is broken or destroyed. What should I do?
When you have broken big blue cart in Asheville: Contact the City of Asheville at 828-251-1122 (Wait to talk to a live operator, NOT the recycling number).
Fletcher: Contact Fletcher Town Hall at (828) 687-3985.
Woodfin: Contact Woodfin Public Works at (828) 645-7063
Weaverville: Contact Weaverville Public Works at (828) 645-0606
Call Curbside at (828) 252-2532.
How am I charged for recycling services?
Residential recycling services are paid for, in part, by a fee on your water bill, taxes or municipality fees. Please contact your City, Town, or County for details.
I just moved here and haven’t received my recycling container. What do I do?
Asheville: Contact the City of Asheville at 828-251-1122 (Wait to talk to a live operator, NOT the recycling number).
Fletcher: Contact Town Hall at (828) 687-3985.
Woodfin: Contact Woodfin Public Works at (828) 645-7063.
Weaverville: Contact Weaverville Public Works at (828) 645-0606.
And if the weather outside is frightful? (Snow or ice)
If inclement weather delays our pickup, please put your recyclables by the curb at your normal day and time. We may pick them up later than normal or we may get them the next day, but we will pick them up. Please put them out and leave them out for us. Thanks!
What shall I do with the many moving boxes I have?
Residents may need to schedule a special pickup (fee charged) by calling Curbie. Residents may place their broken down boxes out on the curb on their recycling day for no charge as they gradually empty them if the pile is four foot tall or less.
What if my recyclables were not collected?
Occasionally there are delays in our pickups. We may still be by to pick them up later than normal. Unfortunately, however, recycling containers are sometimes missed for collection. If this is the case, please contact Curbside Management at 828-252-2532. Remember, all recycling containers are to be placed out for collection by 7:00 am on the regular collection day.
My regular pickup day falls on a holiday. When will my recycling get picked up?
Generally, only a few holidays affect your pickup schedule. Please check your recycling calendars or for more info contact your municipality or Curbie at (828) 252-2532.